Monday, April 20, 2020

35,000 years ago : Indian staged dispersal (ISD) and emergence of India as centre

~35,000 years ago: With the decline and eventual rapid disappearance of Neanderthals, modern humans takes control of the entire sub-continent, in line with similar changes sweeping Europe and rest of Asia. 

ISD (Indian staged dispersal) which has been happening over many decades since the OOA migration reached Indian north - western shores, meant that the modern humans (who were part of OOA Group) is now well dispersed across the Indian sub continent. Unlike in Europe, or even Americas, the new migrants did not discover an uninhabited land that they could quickly populate and settle in. They met and likely had tiffs / fights over access to land and resources with existing inhabitants (pre-Homo Sapiens) of Indian subcontinent. Hence it took ~25-30,000 years for dispersal and replacement of native homo species by OOA migrants. Finally around 35,000 years ago the area is fully populated only by modern humans. Other homo species goes extinct without much of fossil evidence. Ancestry of this first Indians is predominant even today among current population of Indian subcontinent (50-65 percent)

Lethal weaponry originates – much improved from previous Homos. Fertile lands of India forms one of the largest centres in the universe with largest agglomeration of modern humans.

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