Has obviously been very busy over the past few months to blog. Just back from a whirlwind UK tour where the most peaceful fact was being in Cambridge for around 4 days - enjoying the campus, the legendary pubs (Including The Eagle where the discovery of DNA was announced to the world) enjoying the ghost stories and also getting trained in leadership !! (Ok stop laughing!). I was staying at Christ College right opposite Charles Darwin garden. Across it was Kings & Trinity (At one time my dream place to study arts - ok stop laughing again!) Cavendish's study, Newton's room and what not ! I just wonder how can students there not study ?! It will be sacrilegious to waste time there like what I did during my engineering days ! (LOL). I tend to think I did not waste time during post graduation, atleast first year at Ahmedabad (Ahem ahem..).
Back to India and loving the rains here (Why do we never love rains in London ?!) - conditional to me being in Mumbai. Since Ive been in Delhi more than Mumbai, it is indeed disastrous ! But surprisingly all flights Ive taken are on time - the new rule from AAI is really kicking some ass and Im loving it !
Sharing some Cambridge shots. All taken with my obedient 40 D and Canon 18-200 on with a Hoya CPL. Worked in PS CS3 - the usual workflow, nothing dramatic.